Are you also making these mistakes while massaging the baby, otherwise you will have to regret later

Are you also making these mistakes while massaging the baby, otherwise you will have to regret later

Massaging a baby is very good for his health and relaxation. But, sometimes we make some mistakes which are not good for the baby. While massaging, it is necessary to pay attention to the baby’s reaction. If the baby is crying or feeling uncomfortable, stop the massage immediately. Massaging in the right way keeps the baby happy and healthy, and you also get satisfaction. Know which mistakes should not be made while massaging the baby..

Use of wrong oil
Always use good and natural oil for the soft skin of children. Many times we use any oil without thinking, which can cause allergy or rash on the child’s skin. Therefore, coconut oil, olive oil or baby oil are the best. These oils are safe and beneficial for the skin. 

Right time for massage
The time of massage is very important. Never massage the child immediately after eating. This can cause vomiting in the child and he may feel uncomfortable. The best time to massage is before bath or before sleeping. This will make the child feel relaxed and he will be able to sleep better. 

Applying too much pressure
While massaging, always massage with light hands. The skin of children is very delicate and applying too much pressure can hurt them. By massaging with a light and soft touch, the child will feel comfortable and his muscles will also benefit. 

Not paying attention to the child’s reaction
While massaging, pay attention to the child’s reaction. If the child is crying, feeling uncomfortable or not moving, stop the massage immediately. The child’s comfort and happiness is most important. You can understand from his reaction whether the massage is being done correctly or not.

Massaging in the wrong direction
While massaging, always massage in the right direction. It is best to massage in a circular motion or in the direction of the heart. This relaxes the baby and improves blood circulation. Massaging in the wrong direction can make the baby feel uncomfortable and can have a bad effect on his health. 

Do pay attention to these things

  • Always talk to the baby while massaging, so that they feel relaxed.
  • Choose a quiet and comfortable place for the massage.
  • Touch the baby lovingly during the massage, so that they feel safe.


Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.


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